Rabu, 25 April 2012

Always Be Remembered 2

April 25 th 2012 is the most unforgettable night ever,it is the prom night held by SMADA in our school hall.It was beautifully decorated.We watched funny videos taken  when we were still a students who studied as usual and the embarassing moment for me was when one scence of video about cheating,i was caught holding my cellphone and looking down at my notebook,i was totally ashamed,actually it was taken by Fathul huda in TO.Everyone was well-dressed and we took a bunch of photo,when it was the edge of occasion we said farewell to our teachers,it was sad when we,one by one hugged them,especially when i hugged my beloved teacher,miss maria she said to me to not forget her,and of course i would never.Many of my friends were crying about the farewell.It's very sad moment when we look back how many things we have been through together no matter it's sweet or sad but the memory is always funny to remember.
When i listen to this song tonight i feel like this pictures what we feel.The song of fiften by taylor swift,pictures when we were still 15,we stepped into this high school for the first time and the lyric is the same like we thought about senior-crushes that day and everything more.
And then the songs from hannah montana tittled "I'll always remember you" and "Wherever i go" are very sad songs about the farewell.I'm crying tonight

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