April 25 th 2012 is the most unforgettable night ever,it is the prom night held by SMADA in our school hall.It was beautifully decorated.We watched funny videos taken when we were still a students who studied as usual and the embarassing moment for me was when one scence of video about cheating,i was caught holding my cellphone and looking down at my notebook,i was totally ashamed,actually it was taken by Fathul huda in TO.Everyone was well-dressed and we took a bunch of photo,when it was the edge of occasion we said farewell to our teachers,it was sad when we,one by one hugged them,especially when i hugged my beloved teacher,miss maria she said to me to not forget her,and of course i would never.Many of my friends were crying about the farewell.It's very sad moment when we look back how many things we have been through together no matter it's sweet or sad but the memory is always funny to remember.
When i listen to this song tonight i feel like this pictures what we feel.The song of fiften by taylor swift,pictures when we were still 15,we stepped into this high school for the first time and the lyric is the same like we thought about senior-crushes that day and everything more.
And then the songs from hannah montana tittled "I'll always remember you" and "Wherever i go" are very sad songs about the farewell.I'm crying tonight
Rabu, 25 April 2012
Kamis, 12 April 2012
Always Be Remembered
Today was the last day of TO,and we are getting closer to
April 16th to face the UN exam for 3 day until April 19th.Everyone in the
school was feeling sad about farewell.
Saya tidak percaya bahwa hari ini ketika hari terakhir saya
duduk bersama teman sebangku saya Ariza,ngakak bareng kumpulan anak-anak di
kelas XII IPS 4.I have to say a bunch of thanks to my deskmate,Ariza untuk satu
tahun ini yang mampu bertahan dengan saya yang menyebalkan ini,terima kasih
untuk kesabaran nya dalam mengajari saya matematika dan akuntansi,terima kasih
untuk kesetiaannya mendengarkan bacotan saya yang setiap hari.Then,How much i
am gonna miss my besties whom i met first in junior high school,Suzanna
Alansyah ಸ_ಸ,You’re the one that makes me more insane,hahaha.Saya mungkin sangat
beruntung mendapatkan sahabat seperti dia.Kita duduk bareng di kelas XI IPS
1.Kita mungkin orang yang sama-sama keras kepala,tapi mungkin hanya dia orang
yang keras kepala yang paling sabar,hahaha.She knows when i get mad,she gives
me space and when my anger decreases,she starts to act like ussual and vice
versa.Bukti jika orang yang keras kepala dapat berteman jika memang
kadang-kadang kita harus mengalah.Namun,sejak kelas 3 memang kami tidak
sebangku lagi,karena saya suka duduk didepan due to my minus eyes but we are
still great friends,aren’t we san?hahha.
Then it gets my
tears steaming down on my face when say goodbye to my beloved teacher.You’re exceedly
meaningful to me.Untuk Mrs.Maria,i dont know if it was an intuition when i
first met you,i felt like you were such a kind,and actually you are.Pertama
kali saya daftar ulang beliau membantu saya untuk mengisi beberapa lampiran dan
saya tidak menyangka bahwa beliau akan menjadi pembimbing terbaik saya untuk
bahasa inggris selama 3 tahun ini.Bagaimana beliau melatih saya untuk berani
memulai sesuatu,jujur saya bukan orang yang berani tampil untuk berpidato di
depan umum hingga kemarin kami mendapat juara 3 untuk lomba debat,suatu
kemajuan bagi diri saya yang telah dibangun oleh beliau.Selalu mendukung untuk
tidak berputus asa di setiap kekalahan saya.Mungkin segala ketulusan nya tidak
akan pernah terbalaskan oleh saya sendiri.Then it’s gonna be remembered by
me.My 3-year-teacher of german Frau Rini,guru tergokil seSMADA,sumpah setiap
pelajaran bahasa jerman pasti kelas bakal riuh karena semua penghuninya bakal
ngakak sama candaan nya Frau Rini.Dan mungkin guru agama yang telah mengajar 2
tahun untuk saya,Bu Nirwati.Saya masih ingat kalau ketika masih kelas 1,saya
dan teman-teman saya masih sering buka lepas jilbab di sekolah,jadi setiap hari
saya dikejar sama bu Nir ini “Dewi,Mana jilbabmu?” hahha kita langsung lari
sambil cengengesan sama Damai,Diana,Tara,Shindy,Clara,Jeje hahha kita rombongan
yang paling takut kalau istirahat keluar gitu.Kalau ada guru agama pasti
langsung kabur hahha,tapi alhamdulilah saya sudah insyaf hahahah.Terus ada juga
bu Darma dan Csan guru BK,saya ini ratu nya telat haha padahal jarak rumah sama
sekolah bisa nyampe 5 menit doang,sudah bosan rasanya suruh ngambilin
sampah,bersihin WC gituan,dapet sekitar 5 kali surat panggilan orang tua,tapi Cuma
1 kali hadir hahaha kebiasaan saya parkir di belakang sekolah biar bisa kabur
dari hukuman hahhaha.
Dan yang pasti
nya,saya akan merindukan teman-teman saya di kelas X-3,XI IPS 4,XI IPS 1,XII
IPS 4.Kalo teringat semua kenangan itu baik senang maupun sedih yang kita
rasakan bareng,it’s worth than anything.Semua teman sebangku saya pasti tahu
kebiasaan saya disekolah.Niken (X-3),Anis(XI-IPS1),Susan (XI IPS1 until now)
dan Ariza (XII IPS4) yes,that’s it hobi saya tidur meskipun saya duduk di depan
muka guru hahaha.
Kamis, 05 April 2012
(NOT THE LAST) Final Exam
Countdown to date April 16 2012,it’s our final examination.OMG i’m freaking out of it.We have been prepared by school to face it with bunch of examinations and TO.This recently makes us stressed out,but it’s just a process what we have to get through.We have been studing for almost 3 years in high school and being determined by this exam.But i’m still feeling unconfident as my math score is not to good,i also must improve my preparation in Geography,Bahasa,Sociology because they still seem a little bit confusing for me,hahahahaI might have to decrease my intensivity of Online-time and be focuse on that.My big fear is i always feel indecisive with my answer,i really hate the multiple-choice examination.So bored with this week that i’m rarely meeting with my buddies.But No Pain,No Gain , i have to strive by studying harder to get best result .Afterwards,it’s gonna be free time for over two months,but it’s not gonna be spent by playing,i have to study again together with my friends for preparation of SMPTN as i declined my university invitation program.I’d rather choose to strungle applying for college with my besties because we have planned about this thing times ago.But due my one of friend didn’t succeed to apply the invitation program so i am not interested in it anymore and also my fairlure of applying for SSE program because my parents don’t permit me with the reason that the test avenue where it will be held is far from my town so finally we decide to apply the college together with SMPTN program.Hopefully we all are accepted.Then we will live together in rented house.It sounds fantastic at once terrifying to live out of parent’s control but that’s life we have to be independent as we are growing up to be adults.Please,Ya Allah give me strength to face it by giving me health and alibity to get it done well and everything we have planned can happen.We propose,You dispose!
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